Thursday, June 30, 2011

101 Days of Summer: Day 56

So now it’s Tuesday. Which if you look at the current pattern, means that I work at 3pm. Ugh, I liked my previous patter better.

So I slept in until 10am today. Sergio called to wake me up. Sprint was having some minor issues with mine & Chance’s phones. But we fixed it. Then we went and rented a U-Haul since today is Chance’s moving day.

I came back home and got ready for work. Worked 3-11:30pm. Surprisingly, there was no parking in our Team Member lot. So I had to park on property. Of course, the weather was rainy again. What else would you believe? I started becoming friends with the guests though. Before, I would not be happy with them because I would get annoyed at always hearing the same questions, or them not thinking etc. But now, I just try my hardest to put myself in their shoes and think about how I would personally react to certain things they were put through, etc. So I talked with a six-year-old girl, Alexis Athena, today. She spoke a few words of Greek which was super cute to hear. Then later on that night she walked by and said “goodnight” in Greek. She’s such a sweetheart. Then I talked a bit with a lady whose ex-husband is Greek. She brought down her kids later on so that I could meet them and I help her 6 month old baby girl a few times as well.

After work, I went to Chance’s and helped him finish moving. We then said goodbye to Jesse and Ashley. I know I didn’t hang out with them much, but I am going to miss them. It’s weird to think about Chapters in our life. But even so, that was a pleasant one. I will forever owe them for how much they helped Chance during his hospitalization and surgery. They were truly a blessing to him and I.

By this point, Chance and I were exhausted so we went straight to sleep.

Until tomorrow,
Selina Christine

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

101 Days of Summer: Day 57

Slept in a little today. Wasted some time online. Took a shower late. Got ready for work. Worked 3-11:30. Phone died in the process. Jodi took me to Ale House. Met up with Christy. Ordered a pitcher of Red Sangria. Then Evan, Felos, Pim, and Chris joined. We all shared some loaded fries. Then we got some Smirnoff Martinis. I got a VIP card. Christy took me home around 2am. Went straight to bed.

*No picture thanks to Blogger sucking.

Until tomorrow,
Selina Christine

101 Days of Summer: Day 58

Worked 7:45-4:15. After work, Chance and I stopped at a gas stations (7-11) where I changed. Chance had stopped by my house and picked up a couple options for me to wear. Now that I think about it, I wish I had done an OOTD. Oh well.

We then drove to Bradenton for his grandmother's 80th birthday party. We got there late (only because I worked late.) It was a nice gathering. I had some nice drinks (guava & vodka) while Chance stuck to beers. Chance and I stayed late (until 10ish) after others had left. We got home around 12:30am.

*This time I have a picture, but due to some internal error with Blogger, I can't upload any.

Until tomorrow,
Selina Christine

Sunday, June 26, 2011

101 Days of Summer: Day 59

So I closed last night. And I opened this morning. Sounds about right. Stopped at Chick-Fil-A for breakfast. I ordered the chicken minis. I was craving them. Odd. I also got a large sweet tea. (Which I didn't ended up drinking completely, as always.) And I got a free thing of hash browns. I gave those away once at work.

Today was pretty busy at work. I worked for about 9 hours straight. Did not get a lunch break. I was in an okay mood. But then when I was getting ready to leave, a manager said something to me. And I wasn't like in trouble or anything. I guess it's the way he said it. I acted nonchalant when he said it. But then I felt like crying. I got like embarassed and angry. So odd.

I was in a weird state afterwards. No idea what was going on. Ended up going to Panda Express with Chance. Shook it off a little there. I was starving and ate a lot. Then we stopped at RedBox and got some movies. We then watched "No Strings Attached" and "From Prada to Nada." They were good. I like movies. You all know that. It was kinda early (maybe like 10pm) but I went to sleep anyways. I knew I had a long day awaiting me.

Until tomorrow,

Selina Christine

Friday, June 24, 2011

101 Days of Summer: Day 60

Are you loving my long entries? Haha.

It's Friday, Friday! ...and I'm working tonight.

I haven't worked a Friday night since maybe December. I can't do Friday nights because I go to Training (as you all know) in Tampa. But I was scheduled. So I went in. Not too happy about it. Not only was I working a Friday night, but they scheduled me at the Front Desk. CRAZYYY. Fridays are the worst for check-ins. It gets extremely busy. Lines out the door all day. And then rooms don't get ready. So guests get mad. And then when all that finally settles, say around 6. Then we don't have any rooms so guests don't get the rooms they booked. So again, mad people. And then finally, we sell out so we don't have any rooms at all. Which means guests made reservations to stay here... and they don't get to. Yeah, imagine having to be the one to tell someone that. Blah.

At least I got to take a break. With all the craziness, I needed a drink. And no, not rum again. A Starbucks Frap. I used to be addicted to Starbucks. Not really like addicted. I just used to drink it at least twice a day. Honest. Then I stopped due to realizing how much money I was actually spending there. Not like it was a lot. I don't think they're expensive. But I didn't have any money at all. So that was an issue.

Anyways, same night, Sasha, Rachael and McKenzie spent the night at my apartment. Wish I could've been there. I need me some girl time. They did face masks and painted their nails. Ugh, I need to paint my nails.

I went to Chance's around 12am. He wasn't there. Tried staying up, but I passed out. I'm pretty sure he got there around 1am. Either way, I was exhausted.

Until tomorrow,
Selina Christine

101 Days of Summer: Day 61

Today I woke up early just to take a test. Boo. But I had to pass (with an 80%) in order to get my next state exam paid for (if I failed this one.) I took that test 5 times. These were my scores: 71, 75, 79, 76, 84. At least I was averaging a 77%. That's good.

So then I got ready and went to the Pearson Vue testing center. I got there early and thought I'd have time to study. I didn't. You're not allowed to study. I had to lock up all my belongings. While taking the test, I thought I was going to fail. Honest. They were asking questions about SEC and FINRA and laws and ethics. I just don't know that stuff. I have product knowledge. (At least that's what I thought.) Afterwards, they gave me my certificate. I glanced at it quickly and it said I passed!!!! I got so excited, but wanted to contain myself. Once I left the building, I checked and it said I got a 75%! *You only needed a 70% to pass the state exam. FINALLY I'm licensed. =D First thing I did was call my mom. She was proud of me. Then I told Chance. He told the team. I got some congratulatory texts. Then I called Rob and told him. 11 months later. Hah!

Afterwards, I stopped by Publix to pick up some popsicles and Ramen for Chance. He's still sick and that's all he wanted. While there, I picked up some cereal and Tampico juice too. Then I stopped by McD's and got myself a small frappe that I was craving all day yesterday.

I relaxed at home for a bit and then went back out for some errands. I stopped by Kinko's (now called FedEx Office.) I printed a document (8 pages) and then faxed some pages. It wasn't that expensive and the guy working there was nice. Their (only) fax machine was slow. But oh well. Then I went to ABC and got some rum. I've learned lately that I like rum. It doesn't bother me and the flavors I get taste good. There is currently an $8 mail-in rebate if your purchase 2, so at the price of $10 each, I purchased two. The flavors I got were melon (fave) and banana.

I got home the same time Matt was pulling up. Once home, I watched a bit of a movie Chance was watching. I think it was called "Pool Money" or something... Then Carrie invited us to dinner & a movie (Super 8). But then we decided to make dinner ourselves. Pasta, to be exact. Carrie, Matt and I made dinner. Okay... mostly just Carrie. We had pasta, corn, and garlic bread with Mango Tampico Juice and Banana Rum. The banana made it really really sweet. But oh well. Since we had some time, Carrie and I filmed a Goodwill Makeup Haul video in her room. Then Chance wasn't feeling too good, so him and I decided not to go to the movies. I don't remember what I actually ended up doing, but I was up late regardless.

Until tomorrow,
Selina Christine

101 Days of Summer: Day 62

I was pretty productive today. I had a To-Do List and I made sure to cross some items off. I took a relaxing shower and then went to a free Coupon class at Nickelodeon. Afterwards, it seemed like time flew by.

The class was taught by Couponer's United. This is the website. It was okay. I didn't learn much. I'm already an avid couponer. I learned, though, that stores get an additional 8 cents on every manufacturers coupon they receive. I also learned that at CVS and Walgreens, the makeup counter person gets paid commission on every transaction... so they actually like you doing multiple transactions there. Lastly, I learned that I can have up to 6 subscriptions for a newspaper and that newspaper subscriptions get first dibs on coupons. Hope you learned something new.

Until tomorrow,
Selina Christine

101 Days of Summer: Day 62

After working late last night, I came to work early today. But I did that because I needed the evening off.

I couldn't wait to be finished with work today. Today was my "Friday". Imagine that. Two days back after four days off and I couldn't wait for my two days off! But lately, I've been getting weekends off. This week I got a Wednesday and Thursday off. Odd. And of course it messed up all my plans. Oh well.

After work, I signed up for my state exam, got ready, and went to the Career Seminar with Chance and Sergio. I drove since Chance was sick. When I'm driving, I jam out to music to relax. We didn't stay that late this time, but I love the rides there and back.

Wish I had a fun picture for today.
But I don't.

Until tomorrow,
Selina Christine

101 Days of Summer: Day 63

We slept for 18 hours.

Woke up just in time to get ready for work. Then it was time for an 8 hour shift after 4 days off. And of course this means no more vacation. Boo.

Chance ended up getting sick from the rain and no sleep.

Until tomorrow,
Selina Christine

101 Days of Summer: Day 64

Happy Father's Day. I didn't call my dad today. =/

We left around 5am. Stopped at McDonald's for breakfast. I told them Tim was my dad so we got his meal free. Their service wasn't nice. Oh well.

Once back in Orlando, we dropped everyone off at their cars. Then returned the rental. Made sure we had all our receipts in order.

Then Chance and I decided to go see The Green Lantern. He didn't like it. Again, I like all movies. It was POURING when the movie ended, but Chance went and got the car. I wasn't bothered by the rain. I like rain.

We fell asleep early. Maybe around 9 or so.

Until tomorrow,
Selina Christine

101 Days of Summer: Day 65

I'm not sure if you noticed. But we went to sleep pretty late. Again. But of course, we had to wake up early. *By early, I mean earlier than the typical time that I do wake up. We had our free breakfast. I didn't like it as much today. Not sure why. I just loved the fruit. I could live off fruit.

Then we all got on the MARTA and went to the Georgia Dome for a General Session. It took a while to get started. After the four-hour general session, we took some group pictures and then went to the Women in Primerica seminar. That was pretty amazing as well. It just makes me realize more and more that I shouldn't have any excuses at all.

That night was the Closing Ceremony. We had super high seats. Like nose-bleed seats. It was kinda scary at first, but then got better when more people came around. I saw old grandmas going higher than me. The team came up with a chant that night. I love it. We were making paper airplanes and sending them down the Dome. The energy in the Dome that night was incredible. Honestly, there are no words to describe it.

We got back to the hotel late. What else is new? We had a small argument about what time to leave in the morning. But it's all over now.

Until tomorrow,
Selina Christine

101 Days of Summer: Day 66

We got to sleep in a little bit today. Yay! And we got to enjoy our free breakfast buffet (even though we went when it was ending.) Then we went back to our room and got ready for the day. *We is my mom, Maria and I.

Today we went to the Associate/Representative workshop. It was pretty amazing, to say the least. I was just disappointed that Mike Sharpe didn't speak. But I did get introduced to Cindy Lightkicker, who I am now in love with.

And then right after that was the Opening Ceremony at the Georgia Dome. We had amazing seats this night. And we got to hear A.L. Williams talk.

On the way back, the MARTAs were all jam-packed. On the last one, when it started, we all dominoe-fell. It was crazy. And of course, I thought it'd be okay to wear open-toe shoes, so my toes got messed up from everyone stepping on my and such. Oh well.

There is already SO much excitement from just today.

Until tomorrow,
Selina Christine

101 Days of Summer: Day 67

So after waking up in a van, we stopped at Chick-Fil-A for lunch. We checked in to our lovely hotel, but left right away for a tour of the home office. It was incredible to see all of the work people do to help us succeed on a daily basis. Our headquarters even has it's own ZIP CODE because we handle so much mail!

After the tour, there wasn't much time for anything, so we went to the Walker's Winners meeting. I stopped by a vending machine for dinner. My mom and I could barely stay awake even with all of the recognition and excitement going on. We were exhausteddd by that point.

Once back at the hotel, Rob ordered 6 boxes of pizza. So of course, we stayed up to eat as much as we could. Then we went up to his room and picked up our ordered shirts. And then finally, it was time for bed. I ended up getting my own queen. =D

Until tomorrow,
Selina Christine

101 Days of Summer: Day 68

I should've packed today. But I didn't.

Worked 3-11:30pm. Got home around 12am. Talked with Carrie for a bit. Started packing around 1am. Mom and Maria came over around 2am. Chance and Sergio stopped by around 3am. Went back to Chance's to pick up Tim. Waited there until 4:45am when Delvys, Cassy and Ron showed up.

Most uncomfortable thing ever = rented van.

*Wish I had a real picture of this.

Until tomorrow,
Selina Christine

101 Days of Summer: Day 69

Again, I did not keep up with this like I should have.

Worked 3-11:30ish.

Here's a video I found today:

Until tomorrow,
Selina Christine

Monday, June 13, 2011

101 Days of Summer: Day 70

I woke up pretty early today. Just spent time around the apartment. Updating myself on youtube, twitter, etc. Around 10:45am, I got a call from my manager at Nickelodeon. Turns out he changed my schedule and I was supposed to be at work at 7:45am.

  • The last time I was at work (4 days ago) the schedule said I work at 3pm.
  • The paper copy of my schedule says I work at 3pm.
  • I always work at 3pm on Mondays, which is why I always miss Gossip Girl.
  • I called last night to verify my time, and was told I work at 3pm.
  • If I was supposed to be there at 7:45, why wait 3 hours to call and tell me?
  • I did not get a BBM/text about the schedule change.
  • I did not get an email on my work account about the schedule change.
  • So HOW in the world was I supposed to know about this?!?

The manager was nice about it. (Obviously, it was his fault!) I got there at noon. Left at 8. Did not have lunch or dinner. Chance and I got some Papa John's pizzas afterwards. I went to his place and Ashley introduced me to The Lonely Island. I'd never heard of them. Shocker, really. Then Ashley, Jesse, Chance and I watched "Just Go With It" even though I've already seen it.

Joke: What do you call a bear with no teeth?
A gummy bear!
Get it? Cause of the gums, with no teeth..? Get it?

Until tomorrow,
Selina Christine

101 Days of Summer: Day 71

First thing we did when we woke up today was pack. How fun. I don't like packing. We had Dunkin' Donuts for breakfast. Then went back to the Resort and checked out. And off we went on our way!

We stopped in Clewiston. Since we got there a bit early, we went to Goodwill and found brand new discounted makeup! Of course, we spent some money there. Then we headed over to Sonny's for lunch. Yum!

We then stopped in West Palm. There we switched cars back and said our goodbyes, and gave Lindsey her birthday gifts.

We the stopped in Stuart. There we met with Neal at Dairy Queen for a little ice cream.

We stopped at Jensen. There we filled up on gas and purchased our newspapers. (We weren't going to forget this time!)

And lastly, we stopped home. What a long day of road-tripping! Once home, I was in a cleaning mood. I did the dishes, watered my dead flowers, cleaned my bathroom vanity and mirrors and toilet and bathtub. Chance came over and we watched the game. Dallas won the Finals! I ended the night calling the cops for a noise complaint because people were celebrating the Mavs win past midnight.

Until tomorrow,
Selina Christine

101 Days of Summer: Day 72

Woke up around 7am. Got dressed in our bathing suits and dresses. McDonald's for breakfast. We then headed over to the Beach Resort and went straight to the pool. It was so crowded, and we decided to grab a bottle of water and head over to Vanderbilt Beach..

After tanning a little bit, we decided to cool off in the water. The water felt so nice. I love being in the ocean. It reminds me so much of Greece (once I close my eyes). We went back to the pool for lunch (Cubans from Publix). And of course, ended up back at the beach. Carrie and I picked about 300! (jk) sand dollars. I had never seen live ones before! We then swam around a bit before heading back to the pool. At the pool we just laid out and tanned. I ordered a Virgin Strawberry Daiquiri at that point: it was SO hot!

For dinner, the girls and I (along with Lindsey's little brother, Cameron) went to Hurricane Wings. We split about 30 wings and were all full at that point. Before going back to our room for the night, we stopped at Publix and ABC. That was my first time purchasing alcohol. Go me! haha. We drank some juice (took some pictures) and then went down to the lobby because Lindsey had to do homework. And once again, it was bedtime.

Until tomorrow,
Selina Christine

101 Days of Summer: Day 74

Woke up around 6am. That was good. Showered and got ready for the day. Which means I finished packing. Carrie and I procrastinated a little and didn't end up leaving until about 10am. By 11am, I felt like I had been up for so long that I couldn't even imagine anyone sleeping that late. Hah!

We stopped at West Palm Beach to switch cars and pick up Lindsey. And then off we went to Naples. The ride was boring (no fun things to look at outside my window) but of course Carrie and Lindsey kept me entertained. =)

Once we were at Naples, we checked in to our hotel, the Ritz Carlton Golf Resort, and got dressed up for the night. We had been invited to a themed event at the Ritz Carlton Beach Resort. Dressing to the theme (Stetsons and Stilletos) we all took the shuttle over to the other Resort with out cowboy boots on.

Since we were early, I had a Campfire S'mores Martini while waiting. It was okay. I loved the chocolalteness of it. Wasn't that in love with the actual alcohol part. But oh well. We people-watched for a while. Sometimes, I just don't even know what goes on in some people's heads.

The dinner was nice. Food was amazing. Drinks were even better. I fell in love with their Texas Punch. Entertainment was nice too. We learned how to line dance. And you could learn how to juggle wine bottles, and use a laso [sp] and there was also a ballooon-shape-maker person. Oh, and Lindsey even got face-painting.

We kept the cowboy hats they had as centerpieces. Once back at our Resort, we went to the pool for some relaxation. It was nice being there afterhours because it wasn't loud at all. The hot tub felt nice as well, but my body did get a little numb from the jets. Carrie and I also did some Yoga in the pool. Yes, we're talented. Once back in the room, we went straight to bed.

Until tomorrow,
Selina Christine

101 Days of Summer: Day 74

Don't hate me. I spent way too much time without updating this.

I worked today from 7:45-4:15. Went home to change real quick and then went over to Chance's house for a meeting. That lasted much longer than expencted. We were all there until about 11pm. No lie.

When I came home, I was supposed to pack. But I really didn't feel like it. I just put a bunch of clothes together and Carrie packed them nicely. She's such a good roommate. We overpacked, but I'm okay with that.

I wrote down a packing list. (I find this always helps me in case I'm rushing in the morning.) And then off to bed I went.

Until tomorrow,
Selina Christine

Thursday, June 9, 2011

101 Days of Summer: Day 75

Hello everyone!!

This morning I had to wake up earlier than I would have preferred. But oh well, I managed. I started my day with a nice bowl of Smart Start. Yum! After getting ready (and trying out a new look on my eyes) I started my drive to Tampa.

I had to do some paperwork for inheritance or something. Ended up costing me $160. Boo. Then my sister and I went out for lunch (mom's treat). We went to the International Mall. We chose Chinese food. hehe. Then we were going to have a lovely crepe with nutella and strawberries, but they weren't open yet. Boo. So we went to get gelato from my #1 favorite gelato place ever! They didn't have hazelnut, so we settled for bacio. Fine by me.

It was nice talking to her a bit. I love that we're growing up friends. This girl is brilliant, I swear. Her intelligence is something I envy about her. It's weird because she's younger than me, but I look up to her.

On the way back, I was bothered by SunTrust. My account wasn't showing up online. That really bothered me. I went home to get ready for work and to check the account once again. I called and the guy on the phone gave me some lame excuse about how they take it off sometimes for 24 hours. Bunch of bs. I got really upset. I'm obsessed with always checking my account. Oh well. So then on the way to work, I was upset and thought that if I spent money through SunTrust they would get mad (of course they don't care) so I thought about going to McD's or Starbucks. But the line was HUGE at McD's. Then I ran out of time for Starbucks. Got to work and the parking lot was full. Had to park in the very back of the property.

Today was just one bad thing after the other. Blahhhh.
And of course, the cherry on top was working 3-11:30.
But clocking out early because they didn't want to pay me overtime.
But I still stayed here (Nick) after that.

Love my life.

Until tomorrow,
Selina Christine

101 Days of Summer: Day 76

Wish List Coming Soon. :)

Okay, okay. Wish List never came. I apologize for any incovenience.
I can honestly NOT remember what I did this day. Not one bit.
I had a Word document on my laptop of the 10 Things I Want.
I basically watched "May Favorites" and made a list of everything I want.
But people use my laptop. And that list is gone. No idea what happened.
But oh well. I don't need to be shopping. I don't have money for that.
Honest. Money's tight right now. Can't wait till September.

Until tomorrow,
Selina Christine

101 Days of Summer: Day 77

I've failed. Failed up write this in time. Now I'm looking back three days ago and I don't remember what I did.

Today kicks off Spirit Week at Nickelodeon for our Summer of Slime. Because of that, I've decided to wear green makeup (mostly eyes, and nails). I didn't have to look much before finding enough green eye makeup. Guess I like that color. Without even looking in my palletes, here's what I found:

Afterwards, I worked 3-11:30pm.
Can't remember much after this.

Until tomorrow,
Selina Christine

Monday, June 6, 2011

Nail Polish of the Week: Minty-Bubblegum

These were my nails last week. They all had a base of Sephora by OPI's Secret Periwinkle. All but the ring finger had Sephora by OPI's It's Bouquet With Me on top. There were SO many layers of nail polish here that the polish was really thick. I didn't use Seche Vite this time, I used Sally Hansen Top Coat instead, and my pinky polish literally fell off a couple of days after painting them. After getting so many comments on them, I decided to do a post every time I do my nails. I thought about titling it "Nail of the Day" but to be honest, I do them weekly. But then there are times where I may do it twice in a week. So... we'll see.

These are the polishes I used this time. Hello Kitty's Bubblegum, Hello Kitty's Minty, and Seche Vite Top Coat.

As you can easily tell, I always have one finger that's completely different. It's usually my ring finger, but sometimes it's my pointer or thumb too. I just like it to be different. Though I also do them all the same sometimes too. Originally, I was going to paint them all in Minty with the Bubblegum as an accent. But I always like to alternate my polishes, and last week mostly all of them were a purple color so the green would be too much. Haha. You'll see what I'm talking about next week.

I'm absolutely loving these colors together. I feel like everyone is wear the minty color lately. And mostly that's because of Essie's Turquoise in Cacos. And as you can tell in the different lighting, the polish changes. I love how light the colors look in the light, but how bright they look in the dark. I'm super excited to get tanner this weekend and have them be even more out there. So I absolutely love this combo and I hope you give it a try!

What do YOUR nails look like right now?

Stay Beautiful,

101 Days of Summer: Day 78

This morning I woke up at 10:30. Immediately, I started watching YouTube videos in order to clear my subscription cache. After watching about 35 videos, I decided to take a lunch break. I feel like I don't have much to choose from in my kitchen, so I ended up having an egg, with chips and salsa on the side. Yeah.
Then I got into a cleaning mode. I have a love/hate relationship when that happen. I unpacked about two more boxes. I put all my makeup and hair products away and organized them. I did the dishes. I folded & hung up two loads of laundry. And then I just kept going. About 4 hours into it, I got tired. Exhausted. So I laid down to catch up on the internet world.
At 9pm, I turned on the MTV Movie Awards. It was nice. It obvious to see who the voters were. I wanted to be #TeamPotter just because #TeamTwilight won everything. I absolutely love Reese Witherspoon and her speech. During the awards, I painted my nails in bubblegum and minty. After the Movie Awards, I turned on Cupcake Wars. I told myself I'd go to sleep at 12am when that was over. But then I got stuck on watching the Food Star show or something.

Carrie came home and we talked a little. Then I decided it was time for bed. But I had a little trouble sleeping because Carrie had just showed me pictures of ghosts she had taken pictures of today. Blahhh.

Until tomorrow,
Selina Christine

Sunday, June 5, 2011

101 Days of Summer: Day 79

This morning, I woke up at 10am. Not too bad considering how late I was up last night. I read a little bit from my newest book (that Susan gave me last night) 'The Sharpe Focus'. Then I came home and hung out with Carrie a bit. We watched part of "Mean Girls" and "The House Bunny". Our favorite channels still don't have sound. Boo.

We literally just lounged around. We had no energy. Tried being productive but it just wasn't working out. I uploaded a video & wrote a quick blog. Carrie made us some amazinggg smoothies. Real frozen fruit (that Gladys had given us), Strawberry wine (Arbor Mist), and apple juice. It was so amazingly yummy!
After getting ready, we stopped at McD's for Carrie's free meal before going to Jessica's Graduation Party. It was nice being in the family environment. I'm loving my second family. I think we left around 11 or so, but I didn't end up falling asleep until past 2am. Again.

I really thought about taking pictures today. I loved the way my hair was cooperating. But I didn't. Boo. Again.

Saturday, June 4, 2011


First off, let me begin by apologizing for taking so long to say anything about all of this.

Personally, I only use honey as a facial cleanser and a mask. I haven't tried anything else but there's no saying if I ever will either.

Honey contains: waxes, sugars, traces of minerals, enzymes, and vitamins.
Honey is: anti-bacterial, anti-septic, anti-irritant, and moisturizing. It also reduces scaring.

Honey Mask: Apply pure honey to your face and allow it to set until dry. This will take about 15 minutes. Once dry, rinse your face with warm water.

Body-Glow Bath: To moisturize, smooth, and get an all over body glow, keep a jar of honey next to your bath. Apply honey on your skin and pat dry using both hands. While patting your skin, the honey will get sticky and gently pull up your skin. Rinse away the honey when you are done. The results will be great circulation and beautiful, glowing skin!

Honey Bath: For sweet smelling and soft skin, add ¼ to ½ cup of honey to your bath water.

Honey Scrub: Mix 1 teaspoon of honey with a little almond flour into the palm of your hand. Gently apply on your face for a facial scrub. Rinse your face with warm water to remove honey scrub.

Daily Facial Cleanser: Mix 1 teaspoon of honey with a little milk powder into the palm of your hand. Apply on your face to clean away dirt and makeup and then rinse with warm water.

Shiny Hair: To add some shine to your hair, mix 1 teaspoon of honey, a squeeze of fresh lemon, and 1 quart of warm water. Shampoo your hair as usual and then pour the honey mixture on your hair. Allow your hair to dry as normal. You do not have to rinse out the honey mixture.

Hair Conditioner: For healthy hair and scalp, combine ½ cup of honey and 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Saturate your hair with the honey mixture, put on a shower cap and allow it to remain on hair for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, shampoo and rinse your hair as you normally do.

Skin Toner: To firm, smooth, and moisturize your skin, combine 1 peeled, cored apple with 1 tablespoon of honey in a blender. Pulse honey mixture until smooth. Gently apply honey mixture on face and allow it to remain for 15 minutes. Rinse your face with warm water to remove the honey mixture.

So if you have any questions, just let me know. I'll try my best to help. Though I've seen in comments before that you all like to help each other out anyways.

101 Days of Summer: Day 80

And once again, it's Friday. I love Fridays, don't get me wrong. But they're just so long. I love the pattern I've been in over the last few weeks, but I'm super excited for the next two Fridays. (You'll see why.)

So I woke up around 6am. Worked 7:45-4:15. No lunch break again. During work I wrote the previous blog, My Summer Essentials. But I made $63 in bonuses today. After work, I paid rent and felt so relieved by how much I like the people that work here. Then I got ready and went to Training.

We picked up Tom on the way, so it was Tom, Sergio, Jesse, Chance and me in the car. The way there we just talked about the most random things, so that was fun. We stayed afterwards for a bit. We stopped at Burger King on the way home for a super late lunch. Then we stopped at Tom's where we (the guys) helped him move a couch upstairs. We got home around 2am and just passed out. I wasn't exactly tired, but then again, I was.

Sorry I don't have a picture today. =/

Until tomorrow,
Selina Christine

Friday, June 3, 2011

My Summer Essentials

I was reading Candace's blog and got inspired to do my own version. Here's hers:

So in a random order, here are some of my summer essentials. I'm pretty sure I'm forgetting something, but hey, my mind's on summer vacation.


These work so well. Especially with my thick hair. Usually in the summer I like beachy waves. But these are a nice twist (get it?) to just used a hair elastic. You can do some really nice updos with these too. Maybe I'll do a video on it...

Of courseee you need a super cute towel in the summer. At least I do. I use it mostly for tanning. Haha.

My point in this picture was the sunglasses. I love that design. I can't pull off aviators. But sunglasses are an essential item in the summer. Especially while tanning. Love this picture.

So I used to have people warn me about this and tell me it doesn't work and it turns your hair red. Which I totally understand because the bottle itself says it'll turn your hair red if you have brown hair. But I use it. And I love it. And it doesn't turn my hair red. It gives me highlights. And I love it. I've never had my hair colored so this product is a lifesaver.

Clothing preference for the summer. Summer Chic. Especially love sundresses. =)

I think we all know that water is an essential. Let's not get dehydrated!

Growing up (middle and high school) I would only use neon pink nail polish on my toes. Now I like my toes to have a French manicure (see how mature I've become?). But really, I'm loving all brights for nailpolishes. =)

This is my favorite tanning oil. Yes, it's only SPF 4, but I think it's safe to use after you've built up a base tan. I tried baby oil a few times. It worked. But then I got some on my forehead by accident while playing beach volleyball and it looked like I had burnt (with a fire) my forehead. It was horrible. And embarrasing. But I learned my lesson.
I guess beach would be the essential shown here. But this is my favorite beach. It's my childhood beach. It's Milopotamos in Tsangarada (my village in Greece). So many memories here. This is love. This is what I live for. Honest.

I think I have a magazine obsession. I can't tan without a magazine. Is that weird? I just have to have at least two with me. And I actually like reading articles, not just flipping through pictures and ads. That way I get distracted and take my focus of how extremely hot and sweaty I am while tanning.

Favorite summer lotion. I love the scent. And it's good if you get burned or anything though too.

Favorite lip balm. Enough said.

This is my favorite drink right now. I'm sure I'll love it all summer too. Not necessarily this brand, just aloe drinks in general. And not the flavored kind, just plain aloe. You just have to watch out and make sure the sugar content isn't too high.

Every year I look forward to the Victoria's Secret Summer Catalog. I love looking at all the newest bathing suits. I think they're good quality, but I buy bathing suits at other places too. And yes, Adriana Lima is my favorite model.

I got my first camera for my 17th birthday. It was a pink Sony. I took it with me to the beach all the time. And then of course I took it with me to Greece in 2008. This year, for Christmas, I got the Sony Bloggie Touch. I love the camera, the sleekness, the easiness, etc. But I don't like the fact that I have to convert all my videos before editing and uploading to youtube.
I discovered this a couple years ago. I used it one summer because I felt like I needed the extra exfoaliating since I was tanning. Now I see it as just a summer scent and a summer body wash. Sometimes I use it in the winter because it reminds me of summer. I LOVE IT!

Okay so yes, I know I don't technically own this product yet. I just know I'll absolutely love it this summer. It's so easy to apply and will pretty much be the only product I need to apply while at the pool or the beach. Super excited for Cha-Cha Tint!

I love flip-flops all year round. But they're especially handy in summer.

My absolute favorite thing in the summer: fruit drinks. Of all kinds. Alcoholic and not. Pineapple's not really my favorite, but still, LOVE fruit drinks. =)

So I know this is old. And I couldn't exactly find a picture of what I'm talking about. But basically, you either put on a sticker, or draw in sharpie a design (I always did a heart) and while you're tanning, that one spot doesn't tan, so it looks like you have a tattoo. I loved doing that in high school. Haven't done it (since I haven't been tanning that much) lately. Maybe I'll do it this summer. It's just a nice way to show off your tan, because you can see the difference between when you started and after the tan.

*Note: None of these pictures are personal. They were all found online.

What are YOUR summer essentials??

101 Days of Summer: Day 81

I feel not-smart. I don't know how to embed pictures in here. Or have cool fonts. I think it's due to the background I have. Not sure though. Oh well.

Over-slept today. Woke up at 7:07am with a dead arm. I had a Strawberry-Banana smoothie for breakfast. Worked 7:45-4:15, but I didn't get a lunch break, and I didn't leave until 5:05. Went to Panda Express (don't judge) for lunch/dinner. When I got home, I had enough time to do the dishes before company was over.

Carrie cooked pasta with chicken and garlic bread and squash (ew) for dinner. As you can see from my lovely picture above that Carrie absolutely loved and did not critize me about, we had some wine before dinner. But I don' like wine. Even Arbor Mist that everyone likes. I don't like beer either. I'll just stick to my cosmos, martinis, and daquiris. =)

My new TV broke. My favorite channels have no sound. So the guys tried everything they could to fix it. Not completely fixed yet though. Then after dinner, we watched 'Easy A' through Netflix on the TV. And then afterwards we sat around and talked about bad guys, being robed/raped/attacked, old Disney movies, where old Disney people are now, etc.

I ended up foing to bed around 1am. Not a good idea since Fridays are my longest days. But oh well, seize the day!
Until tomorrow,
Selina Christine
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