Sunday, May 29, 2011

101 Days of Summer: Day 85

Once again, I slept in. I don't know how that happened considering I fell asleep so early last night. But then again, I know that's what happens to me. If I sleep early, I sleep forever. So I sleep late to wake up early. Doesn't make sense to anyone, but it's the truth.

I finally got out of bed around 10:30am. I focused a little and FINALLY passed my Bonus exam. So proud. Since I felt like I was on a roll, I took some more quizzes just to pass them and feel better. I edited a video. Had pasta for lunch. Watched a bunch of others. Painted my nails (secret periwinkle and it's bouquet with me). Updated some things on facebook. Did two loads of laundry. Ate 6 mandarins for dinner. Watched "Lemonade Mouth" and the last episode of Season 4 of Gossip Girl. Tried uploading a new video. And finally called it a night after midnight.

Yes, I was on a roll today. I felt so productive. =D

Until tomorrow,
Selina Christine


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