I was watching Sex and the City when Carrie came home. She then helped me unpack my clothes & shoes, so my closet's pretty much finished for now. Gladys stopped by with a bunch of newspapers and I flipped through them all and took out all of the coupon books. Carrie and I then painted our nails. I chose a peach color, but it really just reminds me of creamsicles. I was watching My Best Friend's girl when Matt came to pick her up to go to the movies. I took the Bonus and failed yet again. Watched a few comedy shows on Comedy Central. And then fell asleep for the night.
Afterthought: here's probably my favorite clip of the movie. This part reminds me of me the most. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uxSsGXjDq6c&feature=fvwrel
Until tomorrow,
Selina Christine.
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