Today I woke up early and got ready for work. I had planned to do my hair in a nice style with multiple braids, but settled on pulling it back a bit. I got to work a little late; helped some guests, then clocked it and went to GOLD Training. After 4 hours, I took my test and am now waiting for a response to see if I am a Certified Guest Service Professional. We got free lunch (tacos) and then I worked a few hours afterwards. After work, time flew by and Carrie made me dinner which we ate while watching Tosh.0. Since I've been feeling like the posts have been boring/dry lately, I decided I'd post a Random 25 Facts about me blog that I posted in 2009. Let's see how many of these are still accurate...
2. I have small hands, and it becomes a problem when trying to open my apartment door with one hand; or trying to squeeze a stress ball.
3. My career plans have evolved as such:
a. Psychologist
b. Attorney
c. Pharmacist
d. International Businesswoman
e. Corporate Event Coordinator
i. With the hopes of opening my own store for Weddings, Sweet Sixteens, etc.
ii. Now I’m looking into Event Management under Hospitality, mostly in a hotel setting.
4. I try not to wear gold because a fashion designer told me it doesn’t match my skin tone. She also told me not to wear black or white, and that I should wear bright colors. Crazy, sure, but she also helped me in realizing that I should not try to get emancipated.
5. I actually like busy-work, because I like being busy. I love running around and having something to do at all times.
6. Lately, I play tetris and check my email at least 5 times a day.
7. I miss GOYA and Dance. So far, I think those were seriously the best days of my life.
8. I don’t like the feeling of my wet hair touching my back after a shower, but I’m okay with it if it’s like at a beach or pool.
9. I would like to read more books for leisure, and write in my journal more often. I always come up with excuses though.
10. I know for a fact that I will name my daughter, which I will have, Melina. And I’m like 80% sure that I will name my second daughter Arianna, which is my two best friends’ names put together.
11. I used to cry during every movie. I used to cry every single night. For years. I even had certain pillows that I called my “crying pillows”. And then, just one day, I stopped. I don’t really know why. At first I thought I had become heartless. Now I think it’s because I’ve overcome the pain. But if I do start to cry… it’s hard to stop.
12. I save all my ticket/movie stubs, all my receipts, and all the fortune cookie fortunes, but never actually do anything with them.
13. I used to not like my last name at all because I thought that it wasn’t a part of me or who I am, but lately I’ve come to realize that it’s really a huge part of me. I still don’t like my initials, SCM, because they instantly remind me of ‘scum’ or ‘scam’. But I love my name.
14. I’m organized, and I cannot stand typos. I also use complete sentences when IMing or texting.
15. It’s been about five months since I came back from my summer vacation in Greece, and I still can’t look at the pictures. They’re online, they’re in my camera, but I can’t look at them because I cry every time I do. I miss everyone so much. I think the time there just flew by. And I can’t stand not knowing when I’m going to see them all again. I’m really happy and grateful that I went; I think it made my relationship with most family members a lot better. But now I miss them terribly.
16. I already know who three of my bridesmaids are going to be. ♥
17. I used to watch The O.C. religiously, and now it’s Gossip Girl and One Tree Hill.
18. When I think about being one of five kids, I sometimes get shocked. Growing up like so, I guess I’m used to it, but when I think about it, it’s really surprising.
19. It hurts my hands a lot when I try to open a bottle of water or something like that. And I don’t like opening medicine bottles or baby oil… child proof’s hard stuff.
20. I don’t like history. I almost failed out of high school senior year because of it.
21. I used to be afraid of dogs, for not psychological reason. I used to be scared that they’d eat me. No lie. But now I want to have Huskies, most likely Siberian ones.
22. I know that I have a guardian angel. I know there’s a reason I’m still alive. I don’ take life for granted, and I try to seize the day.
23. I get really sad when I lose a friend. Not only those that pass away, but those that I just stop talking to for no good reason.
24. I’ve wanted a tattoo on my inner right wrist of the word “hope” for about three and a half years now. I’m thinking about getting it in May for my 19th.
25. My mom is my hero. We’re not exactly the best of friends, but I think she is an extremely strong woman who has had to deal with more problems than any human being should. I try not to think about it too much because I feel bad for her when I think of how much her life changed after we moved to the States. I feel bad every single day for how I have treated her, but cannot get myself to apologize or even do something about it.

Lina & Rania.
Before the dance.
Before the dance.

Connie's Sweet Sixteen.

My mom is a cutie!

UCF Spirit!

Independence Day Parade.

Lenten Retreat.

Yeah we can fly.

Cousins, Kosta & Aspa when I was leaving Patra.



Before the dance.
Until tomorrow,
Selina Christine
Selina Christine
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