Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Sally Hansen: Frock Star
So I swear I saw a BlogPost yesterday from Kandee Johnson saying that the Sephora by OPI nail art stickers are 1000x better than the Sally Hansen ones. And though I haven't actually tried the Sephora by OPI ones, I have to say that I kind of disagree with her statement. I've tried 2 of the Sally Hansen ones. The first one, I wasn't too fond of. I don't remember much about it, just knew I didn't actually love the pattern. But this week+ I had Frock Star on.

I read another girls' blog who said that these were just like any other glitter polish bomb. I mostly picked all of them off, but then decided to do it properly with nail polish remover. BOY was she right! It took forever to do so with the nail polish remover, that I actually recommend just picking them off.

So I realize this is only one of the Sally Hansen ones. But I definitely recommend this one! I also think that the glitter helped it stay on so long. Have you girls tried these? What do you think?
PS: Someone made a comment about how expensive they are. (I think $10.) Especially since you clearly get 2-4 uses out of them. But I got mine for .99 cents at Goodwill. =)
101 Days of Summer: Day 4

Selina Christine
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
101 Days of Summer: Days 6-5
The following morning, I woke up early. We all got ready for church. It was August 15th, so a religious holiday for us; Dekapentavgousto. We went to a church in Clearwater. It was more of a monastery since the priest is actually a monk. It was so nice. I love everything about it. Such a nice feel even though I'd never been there before. The munk himself was lovely. It was such a nice experience for me. One of the most important lessons I learned is that we can all have Christ in our hearts. <3 Afterwards, we all had lunch there. Fish; even though we're not fasting anymore.
On the way home, we stopped at a local Produce shop. They also had products from Europe, so we got excited and got some drinks and candy. =)
Once home, I did my sister's nails (which reminds me that I need to put up some nail tutorials) and then played with my sisters' hair, in the hopes of filming a video... which never happened.
Afterwards, I went to Publix with my mom and then we all watched "How Do You Know" while eating pizza. I love family time.
The following morning it seemed like everyone slept in. I woke up with a headache. Finally (after noon) I took my sisters, brother and his friend to the High School for Orientation/Registration. My brother got all the classes he needed/wanted, which is good. Afterwards, we all had lunch (along with Chance) at Chick-Fil-A. Once, home, the girls took a nap and the boys played video games. Around 6:00, I started packing up. Wasn't feeling too good.
Then Chance and I went to the Opportunity Meeting. Honestly, it was a sad day. Plus there was a lot of traffic thanks to a ramp being down. I fell asleep on the way home (in between texting with Sara from HCUCF.)
Until tomorrow,
Selina Christine
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Music: Best Thing I Never Had
What goes around comes back around (hey my baby)
I'm so over you
I wanted you bad
I'm so through with that
Cause honestly you turned out to be the best thing I never had
You turned out to be the best thing I never had
And I'm gon' always be the best thing you never had
I wanted you bad
I'm so through with that
That I'm the one that's got away
Goes around, comes back around
Bet it sucks to be you right now
Yes, it repeats itelf a lot. But I love it. Like absolutely in love. I wasn't too fond of the music video (just like If I Die Young). But I love Beyonce. She's such a strong and talented woman. I admire her. She also has a spectacular voice. This is definitely a song you can catch me blaring in my car. And I do sing it about a million times a day. It's constantly in my head. So catchy. If you haven't heard it, wow (it's at 24 million views), but I've attached a link to the music video below. Again, I'd listen to it rather than watch it, if I were you.
Until tomorrow,
Selina Christine
YouTube Partner!!!

Haha, I'm so excited! I had to pinch myself to make sure this was real life. Hahah.
I received an email recently inviting me to become a partner with YouTube.
At first I thought it was probably spam since I thought they would have contacted me through YouTube. But I read everything. The links were clear and concise, and it's REAL!
I am so happy you guys.
I feel like my life is coming together now.
I know it's such a small step, but it's something I've been secretly wanting for a while now.
And of course, I would like to thank each and every one of you.
We all know this wouldn't have happened without you.
At that point, I will post it on here.
Selina Christine

101 Days of Summer: Days 12-7
The countdown is officially down to one week. I can't believe summer almost over. But inside, I'm glad I made it. It's personal to get into, but summer was a struggle. And I'm happy I survived it.
This week I worked. Surprising, right? I had one day off, which I spent watching Netflix movies and going to Massage Envy. You could tell I was exhausted from working so much. It's definitely catching up to me. And yes, I may be young, but it gets SO tiring!
That's really all I have to say. Boring. I'm sorry. Honest.
But we're almost done with this. =)
Until tomorrow,
(let's hope)
Selina Christine
Monday, August 8, 2011
101 Days of Summer: Days 23-13
Sunday the 31st, I worked from 7:45-4:15. Then I hurried home and got ready because I was hosting a Fashion Swap party. It wasn't very successful since most people were still on vacation. But my sister and her friend were there, as well as my roommate and a friend of hers. So it was a nice small group. I did end up with some super cute tops! =) Afterwards we went to the movies and saw Crazy, Stupid Love. It was super late after all of that. And of course I worked early the next morning, so I pretty much went straight to bed.
Fashion Swap Party:
- Have girls bring a minimum of 5 articles of clothing. *Must be in good condition.
- For each item they bring, they get a ticket.
- Put all of the tickets in a bucket.
- Pull out one ticket at a time.
- If your ticket is called, you can choose someone else's clothing item.
- You can also steal from someone who took something you like. *Up to 3 steals per item.
Monday morning I worked early. Again. Then I had a mandatory 2 hour meeting after work. So I worked over 11 hours. =( But I won a $10 gift card. =) Afterwards, I was starving, so Chance, Tori, Ali and I went out to dinner at Chili's. I love Chili's. I ended up getting 2-for-1 margaritas. I'm not sure why or how, but we ended up talking about some really deep and personal stuff during that dinner. Crazy!?! Afterwards, we all played some Partini before heading off to bed.
Tuesday morning I worked. Are you catching the routine here? After work, we all just hung out for a bit. Then ordered pizza. When Carrie came home, the girls all played Partini. Haha. It was hilarious. And we made smoothies. LOVE!
Wednesday morning, the girls left. It was nice having them around. I worked 10-6:30. And then I got dressed up and went to an appointment that evening. I was exhausted afterwards.
Thursday morning I worked. Ugh, I hate working. This time I got to sleep in. I worked 12-8:30. Then stopped and picked up some pizza because there was a Team Meeting at my place. I feel like I ate most of it. We also got soda. (Not good for me, I know.)
Friday I finally had the day off!! =) I woke up at 9. Did some coupon organizing and then went to WalMart with Carrie. We also stopped at an ice cream place that looked like Twistee Treat. But it definitely wasn't. Such a knock-off. I took some time relaxing in the shower and then got ready for Training in Tampa. We stopped at Hurricane's Ice Cream on the way. Now THAT I recommend. It needed some interior decorating, but the ice cream was good and the prices were reasonable. We were the last ones to leave Training, as always. But I've learned to love that. =)
Saturday morning I worked. Then I stopped at Publix for some quick shopping with Chance. Chance made me a nice pasta dinner tonight. =) Saturday night I watched Goodfellas. Seriously, that took up like all night. I watched it from 8 until 11. And then I gave up. That movie is crazy long!!
Sunday morning I worked. Relaxed a little. Then watched the Teen Choice Awards. And fell asleep. Wow, don't you love my life? Haha.
Monday morning I slept in as much as I could. Then I went to school to figure out my schedule. That took 3 hours out of my life. And the advisor was rude and mean and not helpful at all. I cried. Really. And it's still not resolved, so I have to go back. Blahh! I had a sandwich for lunch. And I worked 3-11:30pm. I was nicer to the guests today. Since we weren't that busy it was the same ones over and over again. I'm tired of being mean to them. And I didn't let the mean ones bother me.
Until tomorrow,
(really this time)
Selina Christine