Sunday, August 14, 2011

101 Days of Summer: Days 12-7

Oh my, oh my, how time is flying. I'm glad that I posted as much as I did. As you can see, I've been slacking lately. I just don't go on the computer daily like I used to before.

The countdown is officially down to one week. I can't believe summer almost over. But inside, I'm glad I made it. It's personal to get into, but summer was a struggle. And I'm happy I survived it.

This week I worked. Surprising, right? I had one day off, which I spent watching Netflix movies and going to Massage Envy. You could tell I was exhausted from working so much. It's definitely catching up to me. And yes, I may be young, but it gets SO tiring!

That's really all I have to say. Boring. I'm sorry. Honest.
But we're almost done with this. =)

Until tomorrow,
(let's hope)
Selina Christine


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