Friday, June 24, 2011

101 Days of Summer: Day 65

I'm not sure if you noticed. But we went to sleep pretty late. Again. But of course, we had to wake up early. *By early, I mean earlier than the typical time that I do wake up. We had our free breakfast. I didn't like it as much today. Not sure why. I just loved the fruit. I could live off fruit.

Then we all got on the MARTA and went to the Georgia Dome for a General Session. It took a while to get started. After the four-hour general session, we took some group pictures and then went to the Women in Primerica seminar. That was pretty amazing as well. It just makes me realize more and more that I shouldn't have any excuses at all.

That night was the Closing Ceremony. We had super high seats. Like nose-bleed seats. It was kinda scary at first, but then got better when more people came around. I saw old grandmas going higher than me. The team came up with a chant that night. I love it. We were making paper airplanes and sending them down the Dome. The energy in the Dome that night was incredible. Honestly, there are no words to describe it.

We got back to the hotel late. What else is new? We had a small argument about what time to leave in the morning. But it's all over now.

Until tomorrow,
Selina Christine


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