Friday, June 24, 2011

101 Days of Summer: Day 62

I was pretty productive today. I had a To-Do List and I made sure to cross some items off. I took a relaxing shower and then went to a free Coupon class at Nickelodeon. Afterwards, it seemed like time flew by.

The class was taught by Couponer's United. This is the website. It was okay. I didn't learn much. I'm already an avid couponer. I learned, though, that stores get an additional 8 cents on every manufacturers coupon they receive. I also learned that at CVS and Walgreens, the makeup counter person gets paid commission on every transaction... so they actually like you doing multiple transactions there. Lastly, I learned that I can have up to 6 subscriptions for a newspaper and that newspaper subscriptions get first dibs on coupons. Hope you learned something new.

Until tomorrow,
Selina Christine


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